Sunday, October 30, 2011

Three Tips To Escape The Friend Zone Right Now!

Many guys are stuck in the friend zone and hate it with a passion. Almost every guy has been in the friend zone before, which is a place where the romantic dreams of guys go to die. Typically, a man will likes a girl, but doesn't know the right techniques to date her. He thinks he'll be successful in dating if he tries to become her friend first, so he treats her like his friend. And, she treats him like one in return. However, the guy wants more. He either makes the move somewhere down the line and fails or he ends up resenting the friendship. Either outcome doesn't create either friends or dates.

However, you don't have to be stuck in the friend zone. I know a lot about the friend zone because I used to be there constantly. But, I pulled myself out of that horrible place and you can too. Below I offer my advice to exit the friend zone forever.

Knock Them Off The Mound

Most guys treat women like they're the ones in charge. Women are on the mound hurling curveballs at guys and the guys just take it. If you want to leave the friend zone, you can't view women as your superior. Most guys treat women like queens and buy them all sorts of stuff, pay on every date and think their being a woman entitles them to act however they want. Nope!

Women are just like you and me. They're not perfect and they're not awful. Women should be treated like every other human being. Don't pretend a girl, even a hot one, is somehow above you. Women usually want a guy who is a protector, not a devotee. Granted, they'll take the worship, but they won't be giving you a relationship or turn into your friend with benefits. Rather, they'll come around when they need a free ride or want to feel good about themselves. They may be the pitcher, but you need to knock them off the mound (metaphorically, of course; no violence is ever justified).

Don't Be So Nice

I used to be such a nice guy. I thought that women would want what I had to offer. My life was stable, I was kind, and treated women with respect. I couldn't believe they didn't date me! I saw myself as a knight in shining armor; they only saw boooooorrrrriiiing.

If you want to leave the friend zone or find a friend with benefits, then stop being so nice. Stand up for yourself, get an opinion, and tell the woman the way it is. Never let her think you need her. Don't morph into a jerk because that isn't attractive either. But, you have to let the girls know that while you're a good, successful, and moral guy, you're not going to sit around and worship them or take their crap.

You Don't Need Those Kind Of Friends

Most guys stuck in the friend zone don't really want to be friends with the girl. They only keep up the charade because they think it's going to lead to a relationship or at least a friend with benefits situation. However, this almost never happens. As mentioned earlier, these friendships end in resentment and there's rarely any sex involved.

My best advice is to not get involved in these type of friendships to being with. You'll never get a date by starting out in the friend zone. Approach the girls you like and start winning them over as a girlfriend from the start. If you find yourself drifting to the friend zone, then ditch the friendship unless it's the rare occurrence where you actually want to be friends with the girl with no other expectations.


I hope you found these tips to leave the friend zone helpful. For more tips and advice, please visit my author bio. You can find even more techniques to leave the friend zone and get friends with benefits.

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