Thursday, February 23, 2012

Does She Like You? (3 Signs She Craves You!)

"Does she like me? Should I ask her for her number? Does she want me to kiss her yet?"

These are the questions that seem to constantly be floating through a man's head when he is in a conversation with a woman who he is attracted to.

It's an age old problem. Most men just do NOT know which signs to look for when a woman is into them. But if that is your problem, then this article should be a great solution. Below, I will outline three of the most common signs that women will give off when they are into a man. Read on.

Does She Like You? (3 Signs She Craves You!)

Those Eyes

The eyes are truly the windows into a woman's soul (in fact, the same goes for you which is why body language and eye contact are so important in the dating game).

Strong eye contact alone does not mean she is attracted to you. But when she is "smiling with her eyes" it is a clear sign. So what exactly does that mean?

It's simple: If a woman is into you, she will hold strong eye contact while having a relaxed smile on her face.

Leaning In

This is a classic sign that a woman is "locked in" to you. If her body is fully facing yours and she is leaning into you during the conversation, it is a sign that she is interested in you and eager to get to know you more.

When the interaction hits this point, don't be afraid to make some physical contact. Just make sure you take it slowly and gradually make more and more intimate contact.

Her Chest

Her know...the part of her body that your constantly fighting yourself from taking a glance at while talking to her?

Well, here is something most men do not know: when a woman is into you, she will WANT you to check her out.

In fact, she will do subtle things like fiddling with her necklace and slightly pushing her chest out so her breasts seem more luscious and are easier to notice.

Did you know that high heels were invented as a means of accenting a woman's rear end and chest? Take a look for yourself next time you see a woman in heels.

Not I think it's pretty obvious, but I will say it just in case; if you think a woman is into you, you don't want to go all "caveman" and start blatantly staring at her chest. It needs to be done tastefully, or you'll set off some alarms in her head.

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