Friday, November 18, 2011

Make Yourself Attractive to Women Online - Part One - Dating Site Profile Pictures

Statistics about anything can often lie, but usually the more people who are used in any survey, will improve the results, and the less people used can reduce the accuracy to a certain extent. With politics, the selected people coming out of the polling booths often lie, as traditionally your political inclination is a sensitive and personal topic, but when it comes to love, there isn't really that much of a stigma, and there have been enough surveys over the years to create a very accurate report about what men and women are attracted to when they are searching for a partner. Armed with this type of information it is possible to use it to change your persona in an online dating situation, to make yourself more attractive to women. There is a question that you need to ask yourself however before doing anything, and this is, what do women really want?

Well guys, you can stop downloading those sexy half-naked muscle-bound pictures of yourself for your profile, because this is not what turns on your average lady, and in fact for some of the fairer sex this is a definite turn off. If you have a great looking muscular body, you are more likely to attract admiring looks off other men. It is great to be in shape, but if you've got it don't flaunt it, keep it in the background; i know you have spent all those hours pumping weights in the gym, but what you have achieved is a healthy body which is good for you, but is not going to get you more girlfriends. This is a very naive way of looking for a partner.

Most men are visual animals and are attracted to good-looking women with good bodies, but it is not what turns women on. Most women when looking at finding a male partner want someone who is intelligent, emotionally stable, a gentleman, good potential father and faithful companion. So what sort of picture will give this impression?

When choosing an online profile picture of yourself, go for a face-shot. Spend a lot of time getting the best picture possible: the upbeat side to what a woman is looking for, is that it is not someone who is "great looking" but someone who looks genuine. A nice smiling friendly picture will attract female members who are scrolling down the page of an online dating site, and they will take a look at the rest of your profile and what you have to offer. How to go about replying to any Emails is in the next part of this series of articles.

One last point. Don't put lots of pictures of yourself as this makes you look a bit desperate. One is optimum, two is the definite maximum.

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