Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Attracts The Modern Women

Most men don't have a clue as to what attracts a woman to a man, but it's a lot easier than you think. This is despite the fact that a lot of guys are completely mystified about what a woman wants: in fact, that's the one thing that Freud said he didn't know about women.

In order to master what attracts women, you have to know what they like in a man: there are three key points.

A Stand Up Guy

Assume the tradition role of a man. Just be a man in the traditional sense: take the lead, make decisions and stand by it, pick the date, open the car door, don't take her nonsense, and so on.

Women won't admit this, but they despise a weak man with no spine. The more masculine you are, the more women you will attract.

It means this:

-Don't ask women to do things, rather tell her to do things.

-Don't "kiss her butt" but at the same time, be chivalrous.

-Have guts and disagree with her if you truly do.

-Have the ability to walk away at anytime.

-Your life should be more important than hers.

-Over time make her do increasingly big favors for you.

Get in touch with your manhood: go camping alone, play rugby, go sky diving, go up to ten random women and ask them out for a date.

A Man With Style

For sure, women just love a well dressed man. Put out a lot of effort and dress well: this is where most men make their mistake, otherwise. Here are some tips you can use right now!

-Have a George Clooney or Brad Pitt fashion style.

-Get a subscription to GQ magazine and get some inspiration.

-Get a hair style you like from the magazine and take it to a salon and get that cut.

-Go clothes shopping with a friend that's a girl or your sister.

-Buy a couple pairs of shoes that are fashionable. The best ones that I like are Kenneth Cole And Mark Nason shoes.

-Buy some good looking shirts and designer t shirts.

-Designer jeans: get some cool ones. I like True Religions or Diesels.

You can go up at least two points in the looks scale if you do these things.

Be Fun And Playful

Be fun rather than serious and women will love you: that's what attracts women.

Women have to deal with so much more nonsense than men: they already have too much seriousness going on: they want to have fun and playful. When women go out or on a date, they just want a solidly good time. Serious stuff is for a long term relationships or marriage.

A list for your consideration:

-As much as you can, tease her.

-Whatever was fun in grammar school is fun now.

-No serious talk about your job, world politics, and/or religion.

-Instead of the traditional movie date, take her to an arcade or an amusement park.

-You could take her to the park and swing together or go onto the monkey bars.

-Take her to the beach if you live by one.

Use these three keys and you will have mastered what attracts women and have a lot of women in your life. Most men are stand up guys, it's just that most men just don't know what women want.

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