Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 Surefire Ways To Make A Man Attracted To You! Make Him Ask You Out With This

Do you have your sights on a particular guy? Would you like to make him attracted to you? Do you want to make him come and ask you out? If so, read on. You're about to learn some surefire attraction secrets that will make any man attracted to you. What I'm about to reveal is going to tease him and make him constantly think about you.

Here are the surefire ways to make a man attracted to you...

Wear clothes that look good...

You've got to make a strong and bold statement with your looks. The clothes you wear need to be stylish and sexy. But at the same time, don't try to reveal much. Keep things in between. With the right look, you can make him physically attracted to you. But physical attraction isn't the only thing in the world. In order to make a guy ask you out, you must first create intellectual attraction in him.

Physical attractiveness is absolutely important if you want to successfully attract and keep a man. Neglecting your physical looks can cause disaster to your relationship at any point of time. Men are visual and they are naturally drawn to look at attractive woman. Unless you are that attractive woman, you will have a hard time keeping his attention.


In the world of NLP, the word Kino means touch. Touching is a surefire way to create and amplify sexual tension. Sexual tension is all about making a guy wonder whether you're attracted to him or not. The more he wonders about this fact, the greater the sexual tension. The greater this tension, the more attracted he will be towards you. You don't directly reveal that you are attracted to him.

But you have to play around with him and show some subtle signs of attraction. You can do that by staring at his eyes every now and smiling at him. But touching is the best way to convey this to a man. A woman's touch feels different on a man... So touch him every now and then. Play around. At the same time, go and flirt with a few of his friends to create a little bit of jealousy in him.

Amplify the sexual tension...

Amplifying the sexual tension in your relationship is the best way to make any guy attracted to you. There are lots of ways you can do this. Talk to him about going for coffee together but never reveal the plan to him. Let him ask you out for this. Don't always answer his calls. Play unpredictable when it comes to answering phone calls.

When he calls you, answer the phone and say, "Go on, (Another Guy's Name)". He'll ask you who the other guy is. Just say, "Nothing. Just a guy I'm seeing". Do this and at the same time, show interest in him. It will amplify the sexual tension and make him obsessed with you. He will try all kinds of things to find out who you're with and eventually ask you out.

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