Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2 Super Hot Ways To Make A Guy Feel Massive Attraction Towards You! Dazzle Him With This

Are you interested in learning how to make a guy feel massive attraction towards you? Do you want your guy to be constantly thinking of you? Do you want to mesmerize him and make him truly addicted to you? If you've had trouble with attracting and keeping men in your life in the past, don't worry. You can dazzle any guy and make him truly addicted to you if you know what you are doing.

Some women do it effortlessly. These women are the ones that we call as naturals. The naturals do it unconsciously. But you have to learn the art of creating massive attraction in a guy and consciously do it until it becomes effortless for you. It's possible. Any woman can have any man she wants if she is willing to do what it takes to make the man attracted to her.

Here are the super hot ways to make a guy feel massive attraction towards you...

Create the initial spark - The initial spark is extremely important when it comes to attracting men. Without it, you will have a hard time attracting men. Men tend to give more importance to looks than a woman does. That's how they are and there's nothing you can do to change that.

Men are biologically wired to seek women that are more physically attractive whereas women are wired to seek men that are more physically stronger i.e. more successful. Therefore, make sure that you always look attractive. Even if you're in a relationship with a guy, don't become lazy with your looks. Always look your best. It will make him pay more attention towards you.

Avoid fear of loss - As humans, we have a mechanism called the loss/gain mechanism. The concept behind is that: We have a tendency to retain what we already have than to go out and get something new even if it were for there.

You can see this principle in application every single day in your life. There are some women and men who choose to stick on to the same codependent relationship even if it was draining them of all their intellectual, emotional and financial resources. If you've ever been desperate to talk to a guy over the phone on that very day, it's a sign of fear of loss.

Fear of loss causes needy behavior. It makes you behave in ways that repulses a man from you. Have you been in a relationship that was going well and you brought up that commitment talk and the relationship ended too soon? If so, it's not his fault. The responsibility lies in you. You didn't control the fear of loss impulse in you which caused you to act scarce.

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