Monday, January 23, 2012

Online Dating Profile Tips - Top 3 Mistakes Men Make With Their Profiles

Writing an online dating profile? Your online profile is your first impression - and men usually make some key mistakes when writing their profiles.

These key mistakes are immediate turn-offs for women. If you're making these mistakes, you're probably sending a lot of great women running for the hills.

So if you want to attract more quality women online, here are some online dating profile tips. These are 3 common mistakes men usually make that you should try to avoid:

#1 Posting the Wrong Profile Pic

Your picture is the #1 thing women look at and the most important factor in making a positive first impression. Here's the good news - you don't have to look like a famous movie star or a rugged football player in your pic.

But you do have to post a picture that is clear and shows your face. Some of the mistakes I've seen men make in this area are:

- wearing a hat or sunglasses (which distracts from your face)

- posting their side profile picture (no, we want to see your WHOLE face!)

- taking a picture of you with other women (big turn off - women automatically think you're a player)

- taking a picture of your face in shadows

- posting a "glamour-shot" posed picture

And the worst mistake I've seen with profile pics is the dreaded full body shot - with a bare chest.

Don't get me wrong. If you've got it, there's nothing wrong with wanting to flaunt it. But as a first impression it's just too much. Stick to the good old head and shoulders shot just to be safe. Don't worry - there will be lots of time to have her admire those pecs in the future, just not now.

#2 Giving Too Much Information Away in Your Online Profile

When writing an online profile, stay away from giving too much information - especially too much personal information.

We don't need to know that you recently got divorced from a woman who cheated on your for the last 5 years with her best friends husband. You don't need to share about how you're currently in therapy for an abusive childhood. I once read a profile where a guy wrote for 5 paragraphs at length about his first marriage, how they couldn't have kids and their struggle with IVF. Way. Too. Much. Information.

You want to keep it light and interesting - with just enough information about yourself to get her interested. Share some interesting things about yourself - like your hobbies, passions and interests. Then share what you are looking for in a woman. And that's it.

You want to keep the mystery there. Again, remember these are first impressions - don't scare them away with your written profile by getting too personal too quickly. It reeks of desperation. Keep it short, light-hearted and interesting.

#3 Pointing Out Your Flaws

If you're looking for online dating profile tips - this is the one of the best: Stop pointing out your flaws!

Both men and women do this and it's a big mistake. I've seen guys say everything in their profiles from "I'm follically challenged but otherwise stylish..." to "I know I'm overweight but there's more of me to love that way..." to "Sure, I haven't been on a date in 2 years but...".

Here's the truth guys: If you don't point out your flaws, we women probably won't notice them. And even if we do, we probably won't mind - unless it's obvious that it bothers you.

Listen, we all have flaws. Nobody is perfect. And I understand that you're thinking 'Well, I might as well point it out and beat them to it'. But that's actually a mistake. You don't sell a car by pointing out that the tires are bald and it needs a new air conditioning system, right?

Instead of pointing out your flaws in your profile, you want to focus on your strengths.

What makes you unique?

Are you an adrenalin junkie who has jumped out of a plane or gone outdoor rock climbing? Are you a typical macho guy who loves UFC and action movies? Are you an intellectual who just finished reading 'War and Peace' or 'A Brief History of Time'?

Are you a black belt martial artist who is also fluent in Mandarin? Or maybe you volunteer at the human society every weekend and take the dogs for a walk. Try to stay positive, point out your strengths and don't focus on the negatives.

Women are attracted to confidence. And pointing out your strengths comes across as confident. Focusing on your flaws however just makes you look insecure.

So those are some online dating profile tips to help you avoid the mistakes men commonly make. Keep these in mind when you're creating your online dating profile and you're more likely to attract the kind of quality woman you're looking for!

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