Saturday, December 31, 2011

How To Get A Girlfriend Back Again

Has it every crossed you mind that leaving you your ex-girlfriend was a mistake? Well what do you say to you ex-girl friend after a tragic break up? You want to know how to get a girlfriend back. Well here are a few tips that may give you the courage to finally walk up to your ex-girlfriend and tell her what is going on. This article will impart on you some crucial pointers on how to converse with your ex-girlfriend and also how to make her aware of that the fact that you think that you guys are meant to be.

This is very imperative when you have decided to talk to your ex-girlfriend. If your approach is to be calm, kind and very mature you will give her a chance to reminisce on what use to be. Always try to eliminate the hostility out of your approach as this will surely remind your ex-girlfriend what that is her status. When you are conversing with her, never reintroduce thing of the past, always focus on the future. Never forget that when situations in relationships become messy people tend to change into something they are not. The conversation should be positive and not burdensome, which will eliminate the need for your ex-girlfriend to walk away or disconnect your call.

If you miss your girlfriend gravely, don't be afraid to display this affection to her. Never speculate that your ex-girlfriend is predicting your moves, because to be frank she will not be. Honesty is always the best policy. So don't be afraid to admit to the fact that you were wrong and that you are willing to mend what you have broken. You should all make your intentions known. Never pressure your ex-girlfriend into feeling like she has done something wrong or that she is doing something wrong. Give her an opportunity to speaker what is on her mind and what she expects to happen. This way both of you will be aware of what are the factors that are propelling the conversation and or repelling the conversation.

If the desire is not to patch up things over the phone then this is perfect. In this way you may be given the change to embrace her physically. It is always a good idea to take your ex-girlfriend to her favourite spot or a spot that is filled with endless good memories of the two of you. Whatever you do the aim is to make her feel like the best thing in your world.

Do not listen to people who are persuading you to forget about your ex-girlfriend! Now you know more about how to get a girlfriend back. There is always a possibility that you can win them back, so never give up.

Don't Rush Getting Married

People who get married shouldn't have to get married just because of their own insecurities; it should be the same whatever the weather. Whether or not you are happy in a relationship getting married will certainly not get rid of any problems that you have, in fact it will only worsen them. You will not get what you want out of a relationship by purely tying the knot.

If you are committed together and you are able to get yourself into a relationship with someone then the two of you being together should surely be enough. Marriage should not be an answer, nor should it be just the next expensive step you share together in order to look like you are moving forward. Granted you need to keep things spicy in the marriage but why not get everything out of the relationship first and then see how you feel.

Video Dating and Speed Dating

Dating, something humans have been doing since the beginning of time, has evolved with our cultural and technological advances. Recently with the internet age, dating took its paws online allowing people to date online allowing more and more people to stay at home and get on dating websites and get to meet partners in their area. This made dating easier and adapted it with the age we were living in, however since then it has attracted the stigma of being the method used for people who are afraid to get out and do it on the streets. For that reason, online dating has not been able to fly as high as it was supposed too. There are other reason too, the disfavor online dating, like the fact that you base your judgment on a few pictures, a profile and some im conversations both of you had. That is the reason why with the video chatting age coming up, dating will take a turn for the better.

Video chatting apps today as we know also us to call our contacts online for free mostly and as well see and interact with them over video. Now with progress, video streaming will be part of social networking, everyday communication and more. So video chatting apps will allow us to meet people on cam much more easily and more efficiently. Similar to random chatting apps, you will be to meet people that would be great matches for you in video speed dates. With that you will actually talk to an interested party and get to connect with them way more than you would over the cam.

Now, it's obvious video chatting will make online dating better. You are able to see the person and talk to them before you make a decision or connect. Also it will more similar to the real experience than the online dating we experience centered around IM chatting. You won't really need to base yourself on pictures and a profile, you will just need a few video chats with the person you are interested in to make your judgment like you would on the streets.

So how will they work? Basically, you would have a profile and probably a little bit of information to describe yourself and then like omegle, you could decide to meet people at random in certain filters you choose to match some of your criteria and then talk and try to connect with the people you meet. If you felt connected and they too, you would be added to each other lists for further connect on video of course. Also, you could start little video speed dating rooms and get a few people to join and video speed dating with everyone in the group, and get acquainted with the people. Similarly if you felt connected to someone you will be able to continue later on. The website could even propose you members that they feel could be a good match with you base on your interest and past connections and if they are online you could call them. On their side they will see an incoming call from a purposed match so they will be more inclined to take the call.

So all these aspects and features will shape online video dating which we will see control our online dating in the next years to come.

It has to be said that there are a few dating websites that do have some video chatting aspects in them. Two great examples are woome and runfaces, both that I really like. Woome allows you to start small video chat speed dating groups with 2 or 3 members from each sex to join in and speed dating. If you feel connected to one person you can woo them later on.

So if you're a online dating person, then brace yourself for online video dating which will sure be fun!

Master the First Date Dinner Conversation

While lust at first sight requires no words, the kind of love that inspires and endures usually begins with conversation.

As Dead Prez so accurately rapped:

"We could have mind sex, we ain't got to take out clothes off yet... Before we make love, let's have a good conversation."

Obviously, conversation is important not only in love, but in every aspect of our lives. A great conversation is often what determines whether and how someone remembers us, how people gauge the most integral parts of your character, and how effective you are at navigating through life by communicating the things that matter to you.

As fundamental as conversation is to building relationships in general, many of us don't seem to know how to relate who we are and what we think about. Every day, I speak with clients who lead immensely interesting, multi-dimensional lives. They're full of facts and experiences that could be turned into amusing anecdotes and insightful observations. Yet, until I wheedle it out of them, I never would've guessed.

Because there is nothing more fatal to new romance than bland chit-chat, I've gathered the most commonly broken rules for first date conversations.

Listen more than you speak
A no-brainer, but actually difficult to execute as there needs to be a balance. Try to make sure the conversation is 40% you speaking and 60% the other person speaking. Keep your end of the conversation qualitative, rather than quantitative. If both parties follow the 40/60 rule, neither of you will come home wondering, "How did he/she manage to eat without ever closing his/her mouth?"

Be curious
In order to be genuinely curious, you must ask questions that one, you actually want to hear about and two, are substantive rather than simply narrative. "What did you do today?", while polite to ask, usually results in narrative chit-chat. "Are you the eldest? Do you agree with the whole birth order/personality theory?" leads to the sharing of opinions, histories, observations. You know, the fun stuff.

Avoid the play-by-play
Seriously. When someone asks you a question, there is no need to relate every detail of the story. If you're in the habit of doing this: "And then she said...and then I did...and then we went...and then we saw..." Seriously, just stop it. Boil the tale down to the bits that matter and present it properly or scrap it altogether.

Keep it relatable
Especially at the beginning of relationships, you don't have to share every aspect of yourself, your thoughts, or experiences. The point is to build a common ground. Make sure that the anecdotes you tell and the references you make are of interest to the listening party. Quick tip: if you have to end a story by, "Yea, you just have to have been there"'s probably not worth telling. Another tip: Unless you know the other party is into say, Greek mythology, avoid arcane references to said subject.

Avoid declarations about yourself and your personality There's no need to state that you're kind, or considerate or generous or fill-in-the-blank, most people with their senses intact will be able to gauge most of these qualities simply by observing your mannerisms and your conversational content and style. It's always better to demonstrate than state.

This requires no words.

Friday, December 30, 2011

How To Get Your Girlfriend Back And Keep Her Back For Good!

Going through a breakup isn't easy or there wouldn't be so many e-books, forums and complete programs on how to get your girlfriend back. You might find yourself always making the same mistakes, or you may not know at all why you can't stay in a relationship. So, we are going to explore common mistakes people make when their relationship gets rocky or has ended.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breaking up can be a devastating event, you can't eat or sleep. Every song on the radio reminds you of her and you find yourself wallowing in depression. Your mind won't rest, you are constantly thinking about what went wrong. The Calm Mind Technique is very useful for "quieting down" all that racket in your head and helps clear your mind so you can think clearly.

Get the Calm Mind Technique for calming your mind, it's FREE. The first video you see is T Dubb, the second one shows you the 1st Step To Stopping A Break Up, the third one is the Calm Mind Technique. Visiting this page is well worth your time since you get a lot of help for "Free". I like, "Free"!

Are You Making These Mistakes?

When it comes to how to get your girlfriend back, you may be making these mistakes. Do you call her several times a day? Text message or e-mail constantly (text message terrorism). This isn't helping get your ex girlfriend back, in fact, it's having the opposite effect on her. If you are doing this, STOP, let her wonder about you, for a change. Depending on the severity of the breakup this technique may take a while before you get a text or phone call wondering how you are and what you have been up to but it's better to make them come to you.

Don't sound eager or start off the call by telling her how you are the only one for her. Make small talk without diving into the problems in your relationship but don't reveal what you have been doing unless she asks, and then be vague. Sound upbeat, but not too much. Don't confess your undying love or ask her too many questions that are intimate. Appear to have excepted the breakup and are moving on without saying this outright. If she wants to meet, offer to meet in a public place for drink or a coffee.

Take it slow, let her know you are giving her space. God, if there is anything a women loves more is a man who wants to take their time to ensure the relationship is better the second time around. Don't touch her in any way during your meeting. A hug is okay if that is how you normally greet people. If you are like me, I'm a hugger, I love hugs! Try not to press her or pry into her life, have fun, showing her you can be a lot of fun.

Give Your Relationship A Break

Taking time for yourself to heal, to clear your mind and giving your relationship a break, may be a good technique for how to get your girlfriend back. It will definitely do you some good by getting you healthy enough to fight for your relationship. By showing self restraint, control of your emotions,using good sense, being patient and being respectful towards your girlfriend will help in your quest to get your girlfriend back.

That's the great thing about The Magic O Making Up, an e-book that has all the Free videos, it's immediately available for instant download, no waiting for a book to arrive. Nothing changes unless you change it. A relationship doesn't heal itself, there has to be mutual agreement or an agreement to disagree or time and forgiveness. Don't wait, take charge of your future and go visit T Dubbs page for some "free" techniques and I hope you learn how to get your girlfriend back.

Good Luck,


Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Worthy Experience;Online Dating

As people grow so are the responsibilities hence, need for services that are easily accessible. Online dating is one such service. It can save on the numerous hassles of trying to find a date through the known traditional approach. With the advancement in technology free dating websites have been designed and developed. Dating online gives you the privileged of dating from the comfort of either your home or any of your comfort zones.

With the wider reach and the huge number of followers, online dating can be an adventurous experience. These dating sites are designed to make free dating as simple as possible. Dating experience should always be an enjoyable moment, thus, it is paramount to maximize the potential of these free dating websites.

Well-thought-of piece of advice is important before embracing an online dating experience. Knowing and having a clear picture of what you are looking for in a date is imperative. This will guide you in narrowing down the search whenever you are online on the dating websites.  Incase you are expecting an honest relationship it is vital that you create an honest profile with clear information accompanying the profile.

Online Dating - Project the Best of You

Youth have been associated with fun, frolic, love, life, and dating. If various stages in life mark various responsibilities and commitments, it is youth that is marked by the least responsibilities and the maximum liberty to live life the way one wants. In a life that is buoyed by romance and flirts, finding one's ideal pair and the perfect partner remains the prime objective. But reaching the goal and finding one's love life has never been easy, always marked with uncertainty, intrigue and sometimes, conflict. However, the means to attain the objective cannot be any easier than what is available today, in this age of information technology, where the internet is among the basics of life, helping people with getting things done. And it is the same internet that has powered online dating, showing the way forward for millions of youth, to reach their romantic destinations with minimum trouble. And boy, have they not been a success story to be etched in the pages of history forever?

While it is a fact that you would be in for a different ball game with online dating, where you would have the liberty and the capability to meet someone miles away and is in line with your interests, you need to realize that there are always responsibilities attached with rights, and some responsibilities need to be worn on your sleeves to make an impact. Rather, you could look upon them as guidelines that would help you get the maximum exposure towards your target audience, and would help you have the maximum impact on people who matter. For one, it is important not to be too casual about your outlook, and not to project an image that would make you seem all to casual about your presence.

You may appreciate the fact that distance does play a crucial part in online dating, and people at the other end of the internet would not normally know whom they are interacting with. Not everyone would be comfortable with uncertainty, and it pays to project a responsible image to members of the opposite sex, who may be looking for hints of commitment and a long-term relationship. If you are serious about your intentions and would want to have your attitude reciprocated, realize that your image in online dating is as important as your image offline, if not more. Projecting the right image would enhance your experience and improve your rates of success in your venture online.

Date and bait your Colombian sweethearts

So you want to date and find your own dream Latin girl, join the club! You're not the only one who is susceptible to their charms, there are a million guys out there who are more than ready to date and take their best chances with these lovelies. When you compare women all across the world, Latin girls have always been on the top, their beauty and their charm has sailed ships and has melted the hearts of hard hearted heroes. However, enough of the fairy tales, here are a few tips that you can have up your sleeve, that are going to help you score big time with these Latin lovelies –

Out with the negativity –

"Will she be interested in someone like me?", "Oh God! She's too hot for me", "She will never like me", "I don't look good enough" Get rid of these thoughts permanently. If you are on negativity overdoes then there is no way any girl is going to like you. Colombian girls can see through things like this is a minute, so you need to make yourself confident and positive. Build up your chatting; talking and communicating skills, there is nothing that makes a good impression than confidence. Remember not to be overconfident; nobody wants to be in a relationship with a constant bragger.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Be In A Good Relationship.... 3 Easy Ways

How To Be In A Good Relationship....

is what you have asked every person who you interact with, and all because you seem to be confused about romance. I mean, you ask yourself all the times: Why do people lie in relationships?. And why can't they just love one person and be done with it?. Believe me dear friend, I am with you. But the main reason for all the troubles of relationships is that people do not know how to effectively communicate. You know the old saying: Say what you mean and mean what you say?.

And all this stem from the ability to speak properly what is deep inside the heart, the mind along with the soul. For it has been said, whatsoever is inside a sponge when you squeeze it, is what will come out. Nothing else. Deep the sponge in milk, then squeeze it and only milk will come out.

And the first easy way to be in a good relationship, is to always test someone's heart. I mean, squeeze that person and see what will come out. Because remember, Out of the heart the mouth speaks, even when only joking. So you test your lover or potential lover, by asking questions in different forms, different ways, and at different times sometimes serious and sometimes jokingly. Because the heart and the mind are sponges once again, and what is inside them is what will come out always. Case and point: Once a cheater, always a cheater. Once a wife beater, always a wife beater. Once a filthy mouth, always a filthy mouth. And how many times have you had someone at work who wanted to insult you deep from within their heart, and he or she used a joke to do it in front of everybody. That person used the Smart Politics to tell you what is in their heart. Because he or she knows that if you see through it and get mad for being insulted, then everyone around can see that this person was only kidding and make you out a monster. But if you take it well, then that person finally got to tell you exactly just how he or she feels using the power of words.

Second easy way to be in a good relationship is to Never Run From Yourself. And what I mean by that is, if 3 people you have been with who have never met each other, all tell you the same things as they are breaking up with you; then you have a problem in those categories. And you running away, to run into a new relationship is only taking you with you, and sooner or later whatever you were doing before will only be done again. So learn to Control Your Behaviors . Notice I did not say Change. Because people do not change, it's just an easy expression that people use, like: Oh I have changed. No my friend, what they are really trying to tell you is that, they have learned to control their behaviors and have set up safeguards to prevent them from acting that way. For even in the scriptures, God tell you to run from sins. Because He knows that once something is inside you ( Like a sponge ) then you will only keep acting it out over and over again. Hence this is why you do the things that you do over and over, and over again. So start today to set perimeters for the areas in your life that you have problems with. Kind of like an Alcoholic or a Drug Addict, they always do well when they set up parameters to protect themselves and control their behaviors. Like an alcoholic will not take the way home where there is a bar, or the drug addict will not drive by the neighborhoods where the dealers do business.  And that is how they are able to say they have changed, but again, only really learned to control their behavior. So do the same thing for yourself.

2 Super Hot Ways To Make A Guy Feel Massive Attraction Towards You! Dazzle Him With This

Are you interested in learning how to make a guy feel massive attraction towards you? Do you want your guy to be constantly thinking of you? Do you want to mesmerize him and make him truly addicted to you? If you've had trouble with attracting and keeping men in your life in the past, don't worry. You can dazzle any guy and make him truly addicted to you if you know what you are doing.

Some women do it effortlessly. These women are the ones that we call as naturals. The naturals do it unconsciously. But you have to learn the art of creating massive attraction in a guy and consciously do it until it becomes effortless for you. It's possible. Any woman can have any man she wants if she is willing to do what it takes to make the man attracted to her.

Here are the super hot ways to make a guy feel massive attraction towards you...

Create the initial spark - The initial spark is extremely important when it comes to attracting men. Without it, you will have a hard time attracting men. Men tend to give more importance to looks than a woman does. That's how they are and there's nothing you can do to change that.

Men are biologically wired to seek women that are more physically attractive whereas women are wired to seek men that are more physically stronger i.e. more successful. Therefore, make sure that you always look attractive. Even if you're in a relationship with a guy, don't become lazy with your looks. Always look your best. It will make him pay more attention towards you.

Avoid fear of loss - As humans, we have a mechanism called the loss/gain mechanism. The concept behind is that: We have a tendency to retain what we already have than to go out and get something new even if it were for there.

You can see this principle in application every single day in your life. There are some women and men who choose to stick on to the same codependent relationship even if it was draining them of all their intellectual, emotional and financial resources. If you've ever been desperate to talk to a guy over the phone on that very day, it's a sign of fear of loss.

Fear of loss causes needy behavior. It makes you behave in ways that repulses a man from you. Have you been in a relationship that was going well and you brought up that commitment talk and the relationship ended too soon? If so, it's not his fault. The responsibility lies in you. You didn't control the fear of loss impulse in you which caused you to act scarce.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get Back Your Ex: Tips To Get the Love of Your Life Back

There comes a time in everybody's life when they think how their life would turn out if they were still with the person whom they used to love but are not with them anymore. If this thought never crossed your mind, that means you are either lying or you really hate your ex way too much. Well, it all depends on how and who ended it. But, if it is not really anybody's fault and just a misunderstanding that made your relationship go kaput, and if you really think you were great together, then it's time you pull your socks up and decide how you want to get back your ex in your life.

First things first make sure that both of you are not in any new relationship. You don't want to start on a wrong note before you make your move. Half your battle is won if you both are single. Remember, the key to any relationship is talking. There is nothing that can't be sorted by talking and discussing something. The key to this discussion however should be to sort things out, a big no would be to find someone to blame for what went wrong earlier. To turn a new leaf start with positive things and talk about the good times you have had and how much you would want to be part of the same again.

If you know it was your mistake, it doesn't hurt to apologize. Look at the greater good. If you are honest in your approach and are able to make your ex understand your mindset at that point of time you would definitely get a good ear to that and if you are able to put across your point and apology in a manner that would strike the right chord, there is nothing that can't be worked out. But don't forget you are not trying to attract a new person which could be fairly easy; this is someone who knows everything about you. So to re attract this person could be a daunting task. You will have to go out of your way and show how reformed you are as a person; how much you have changed as they would not want the same mistakes to happen again.

There are a few things that you should not do if you want to get back your ex in your life; namely; be a weepy and a needy person, don't stalk your ex with text's, emails, calls, visits etc, don't be a push over and let him think that you would absolutely do anything to have him back. All these are signs of a weak personality and nobody wants a weak and a needy person in their life. Get your act together and be positive about everything. You want something, get logical about it and go get it. Begging and pleading is not a way.

All in all, the best thing to do is be honest about how you feel, talk it out and reason yourself and your behavior. Remind each other of the greater good and the love that you shared, keep the passion alive. If things still don't change, then you need a miracle, but chances are you wont. If your ex really has any feelings for you, after you do all this, there is nothing that can stop you to get back your ex in your life.

Expressing Your Needs and Desires In Ways That Inspire Others to Fulfill Them

How often do we skip over our own needs and desires for fear that they won't be met? As part of our commitment and intention to call in great love into our lives, we need to learn to express our needs and desires and present them in ways that enroll others to fulfill them.

So often in our relationships, both romantic and otherwise, we lose out on deepened love and connection because we make meaning out of what someone does or doesn't do. We make it mean something about us or something about them. We make all sorts of assumptions and draw all sorts of conclusions. We decide that someone is wrong and that we are right or vice versa. We start assuming we know the other person's perspective. We may either go in with guns blazing to confront the other person, blaming and shaming them and telling them their perspective, or we completely disengage, disconnect and withdraw. We expect others to magically know what we need and then make them wrong or draw a conclusion when they don't.

In doing these things we shut down any possibility for deepened love and connection. We deprive ourselves of the opportunity to receive the support we need and we deprive others of giving it to us. We miss out on the opportunity for deepened love, connection and intimacy that comes with authentically expressing and asking for what we need and desire.

It really starts with the willingness to take radical responsibility for ourselves and the life and love that we are committed to creating. When we realize that none can be expected to automatically know what we need and that most people would probably be only too happy to give to us if only we asked, a whole new world of love opens up to us.

First we want to become connected to our own needs and desires. So many of us are completely out of touch with what we need and desire.

Ask yourself the following:

"What do I need and desire in my relationships?"

(this can include all relationships) For Example: "I need to be respected" "I need to be heard" "I need to be valued" "I have a deep desire to be told I'm beautiful"

Then Ask:

"Is there someone in my life I am avoiding telling the truth about what I need?"

"Is there someone I am making wrong?"

"What assumptions am I making?

"What conclusions am I drawing?"

"What have I been or am I expecting someone to know without asking or telling them?"

"Do I need more information before making a decision?"

"What could I take responsibility for in this dynamic?"

"What is a step I could take in this dynamic that would cause more love, connection and authenticity?"

(For Example: telling the truth, engaging a conversation, asking for support etc).

Here is a conversation outline for how to best navigate a conversation aimed at expressing our needs:

1. Appreciation: think of something you appreciate about the other person

2. Set an intention for the conversation: for example: "My intention for this conversation is for us to feel closer and more connected"

3. Take responsibility for what you see about yourself: For example: "Up until now I have been avoiding telling you the truth because I was afraid you would be angry with me" or "I have been saying this is ok with me when actually it's not"

4. Say what you see in the dynamic: without blaming or shaming the other person, just state your own experience and perspective

5. Ask them what is going on for them: create a welcoming, curious space for them to tell you their perspective. Really listen and acknowledge

6. Ask for what you need: For example: "I need my limits and boundaries to be respected and I am committed to letting you know what they are" or "I feel that I do most of the giving, I need for us to have a healthy balance of giving and receiving in our relationship"

7. Ask if they are willing to give you what you need

8. Ask if there is anything they need from you

9. Come to new agreement between you

10. Acknowledge and appreciate them for their time and willingness to engage the conversation

Navigating Challenging Conversations

If at any time the conversation becomes abusive, know that you can say "I will need to put the phone down/walk away if you continue to abuse me."

Part of learning, growing and evolving is realizing that not everyone is able or willing to give us what we need and there may be some relationships that we need to let go. However, there are many people who would happily give us what we need if only we would ask.

Like to learn more about becoming deeply in touch with your value, needs and desires and become able to express them in ways that have others excited, enrolled and inspired to fulfill them?

Getting a Durable Girlfriend - How to Get Her and Keep Her

If you've found this article you're probably coming from a place in your life where you feel like your life would be "complete" if you just had a girl in it.

You've probably tried a few times with no real success, you maybe have someone 'special' in mind, or you probably have never even tried getting one.

Fear no more!

I've been there and I understand all the frustration that comes from not being able to succeed with girls and I'll share it with you.

Firstly you got to know what getting a girlfriend implies, it implies merging your life with someone else, this means her problems will now sort of become your problems, you will spend a lot more money going out now and you will have to dedicate time to this relationship.

I'm not meaning to be negative here, but rather put thin on perspective if you think that having a girlfriend is going to fix all your problems.

Sharing your life with someone who you really appreciate is great and the experiences shared are really worth it.

Having set that clear, let's get to it!

First: If you don't love yourself no one will. This one can sound kind of harsh but it's true, the first step to getting a durable girlfriend is to learn to love yourself. That's the first thing you got to learn, make it a purpose in your life to work on your self-esteem so that you get more and more of it every day. Get a clear set of boundaries for what you accept and don't accept in your life, find what you think is valuable and have a clear idea of it. You can check my site for more advice on this.

Second: Be involvement-worthy. If you lead an awesome life then you'll be proud to show it to everyone, if you just sit at home and play video games all day then that's not going to be something you're very proud of. So basically, make your life awesome, love it and then welcoming someone into it will be to enhance that experience and not to complete it, then and only then you'll be coming from a place of abundance in good experiences in your life.

Third: Start being who you want to be. In my case this meant to get a solid group of friends, I used to be a loner and I wanted friends, so I got them. It meant to stop having my mom buy me clothes and getting the clothes I wanted (sad, I know). It meant to stop playing video games all day and to start dedicating time to working out and being social. Make the changes that have to be made so that you get the life that you want to have. Workout, get the clothes you want and start the grooming.

Fourth: Start getting experience with girls. If you've never had a girlfriend then you're probably not very experienced with girls. Or maybe you have a lot of female friends (or a few) but you're stuck in the 'friends zone' with them. The friends zone happens because the way your relationship (friendship) developed set you both in a role where you're just friends and there's no attraction or 'sexual tension'. You can only get good at talking with girls by talking with girls. Work the numbers, start putting yourself in situations where you meet lots and lots of new girls, get in abundance with the amount of females that you can meet in your life.

Fifth: Learn the dynamics and start acting upon. Once you have abundance of options in your life and learned how to generate attraction with girls through your experiences you got to learn to lead things and start taking action! Make your move and start getting more and more confidence with it, learn from both rejection and success and keep being abundant.

Sooner than later you'll be finding lots of girls wanting to be your girlfriend and you can just choose! Get those principles down!

Get a deeper insight on this on my site How to get a girlfriend

Why settle for silver when you can get gold?

There is always the settlement that some of us will make when we are quite satisfied with something and we settle for the silver medal, but why do we do that? Why do we do that when we can go for gold, when it comes to the most part we are an incredible set of people when we are with someone, we fall deeply in love with them and love becomes blind, we end up in a state of mind that believes we can do no better.

Levels of attraction are different for everyone and they are incredibly difficult for certain reasons for us to maintain. In essence we know that we have problems in a relationship and although there is no way in which we get our heads around not realising we can do better, in reality we can do so much better.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Find then Answers on How to Make Your Girlfriend Happy

Sometimes relationships do not always go the way we want them to. Sometimes things do not last as long as we wish. If you are afraid that your relationship might be coming to an end soon, then now is the perfect time to get the spark back. If you want to keep your girlfriend from leaving you then you need to start putting these tips to the test.

The first thing you need to do is learn how to make your girlfriend happy. This is not as tricky as you think and you are going to be able to do this with ease. So to start what you need to do is always remember to listen to what she tells you. Sometimes there might be that time where you are tired or lazy and do not listen to everything she says. Well this has to stop. Believe it or not women can sense when a man is not listening to them. Sure you might respond with a few words here and there but that is not communicating. You need to put into consideration what she is telling you. If not then the problems between you two may never come to a close. 

Online Dating Tips For Men - Ask the Right Question

You have joined a couple of dating services and written a killer profile. You've uploaded a good picture and now you are going to chat with a contact. With the killer profile and good looking picture then what now? How do you start separating those who have real potential and those who don't have any potential at all? All of the candidate must being filter out before you can make a good choice. Online dating tips for men stated that there are some question that you must ask before you can choose the potential women who meet your criteria.

You need to find out something about who this strange woman really is and not just who she wants you to believe she is. It would be nice if women wore labels like "Gold Digger" or "Daddy's girl"....but they don't so it's up to you to find these things out and you can't just ask direct questions. You need to know what mistakes you can avoid making and how to impress this lady if you decide you want to do that.

In online dating tips for men some sort of the answer can been figured out by make a small talk. After you are past the initial small talk, ask her, "What are the biggest mistakes guys make when dating online?" Listen carefully to her answers. She's going to tell you a lot about herself and her views on men in general. This is an opportunity for you to figure it out the type of the women.

Next you should ask her, "What do you really think about online dating?" Now she will tell you if she has had any bad experiences dating online and help you to avoid making the same things wrong.

Online dating tips for men stated that the all-important one is "What caused the break up in your last relationship?" If she puts all the blame on the guy, you should probably move on to the next prospect. If she takes all the blame herself, you should probably do the same. If she says the breakup was by mutual consent or that the relationship just wasn't right for either of them, you've heard the right answer. Move forward but always with caution.

Asking the right questions will give you insight and make you more confident when you meet the lady for the first time. Hope from this online tips for men will give you some sort of the question to filter out who are the potential women that you looking for.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Do You Love Her More Than She Loves You? - Learn What You Need to Do

Sometimes when in a relationship you might find yourself more in it than your partner. You might find yourself giving more than they are. Now if this is something you are going through right now then these tips are going to help you. Instead of continuing to go on contemplating things these tips will help you make them right. 

If you find you love her more than she loves you then this is going to help you out. The first thing you are going to want to focus on is what is causing you to think this. Is it really what's going on? Does she really have less love for you? You need to consider this before you start jumping to a conclusion? Maybe you are thinking too hard about things and need to slow down. Chances are she really is not in love with you less. Chances are she loves you just as much as you love her. The last thing you would want to do is confront her about it. Think what she would feel about that. You have to put all of this into consideration before you believe whatever is on your mind. 

Now if you really do feel as though she doesn't have as much love for you then try this. Maybe things in your relationship have slowed down. Maybe just maybe you two have taken each other for granted. This often times happens in relationships. Seeing each other on a regular basis can cause one another to take things for granted. If you want to put a stop to this then now is the time. What you need to do is get out of the rut you are in. Right now you are probably doing what you do everyday, which is along the lines of waking up, going to work, coming home and seeing her. Then everything happens again. Now think for a second, where is the fun in all of that? Where are you setting aside time for one another? It sure isn't the time when you come home, is it? If you want things to improve between you two then you have to start doing something about it. Start taking the time to talk. Tell her how your day went and more importantly ask her how her day was. Little changes like those are what will help your relationship get better. 

When you are in doubt about whether or not she loves you, think about it. She is with you so why would she not love you? She spends time with you so why would she not be in love with you? You need to think about things before you act on them. 

Learn How Quickly Women Fall In Love - Discover How to Make Her All Yours

The hard part is over, you found the girl for you, but now what do you do? If you find yourself looking for answers to those questions of "does she love me?" "Will things last?" If you still have not come up with the answers to these questions then you need to continue reading. Instead of wasting your time what you need to do is stop thinking about the answers. Believe it or not the answers to those questions are easier than you think. All you have to do is begin putting to use tips like the ones below. 

When you find yourself looking for answers to questions like those, look no further than here. Women think alike and if you want to win over her heart you are going to have to learn how. Now this can be both easy and hard. If you mess up in the beginning things could end up crashing down for you. So in order to avoid that what you are going to want to do is start focusing on a few things. 

First of all if you want to learn how quickly women fall in love then you have to focus on you first. Before anything else and before letting someone else love you, you have to love who you are. How can you expect anyone to love you if you cannot even love the person you are? You need to accept the person you are before anything else. Just imagine how things would go when she finds out you do not feel comfortable as you. Things most likely would not last very long. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Discover How to Make Her Love You Forever

So you have found the one girl for you. The one girl who makes you feel like no other and the one who you love more than anything else. But now what do you do? If you are looking for a way in which you can make things between you two last for good, then you need to continue reading.

Believe it or not there are many things you can begin doing that will help make things between you both last. You will no longer have to worry or think whether or not things might come to an end because they won't. You will not have to live in fear that you might one day lose the girl of your dreams. And the way you are going to be able to do all of this is by following these simple tips. 

In order to learn how to make her love you forever you need to consider a few things. By now you two most likely see each almost every day right? Well in order to keep that spark living forever you must try these. It is a good idea that you once in awhile give her a compliment. It does not have to be anything outrageous. Just let her know how good she looks. Let her know how happy you are to be with her. Saying things like that will never get old as long as you do not make them. Keeping things fresh between you both is one of the best ways to make sure things last for a long time. If she is the one girl you can see yourself being with for a long time, then you need to do what you can to make that happen.

Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Make Her Yours - Learn How to Make Things Last Forever

If you are currently seeing a girl who you know you want to be with but have no idea how to go about things, continue reading. Finding the right girl can be difficult but luckily for you, you already have done this. And now you find yourself wondering how to make her yours well all you need to do is start following these tips. It is not going to be as hard you think. No matter what anyone tells you there are ways you can speed up the process. 

The first step towards making her all of yours is by making her feel comfortable. If you two have just first met, this is the best information to follow. If you have been with her for a long time already this won't apply to you just yet. Now in order to make her fall for you fast what you will want to do is be yourself. She has to feel comfortable around you before she can make up her mind. And this is something you cannot force her to do. You cannot make her want to be with you. All you are capable of doing is making her want to be around you. Which brings us to the next point. 

Dating at Christmas

Dating at Christmas can be a great way for single people to experience the joy and fun of Christmas. If a person doesn't have a partner to help celebrate the holidays, then perhaps looking on the Internet may be the ideal avenue to pursue.

Online dating at Christmas may seem a strange thing to do in the festive season. After all, Christmas is supposed to be about spending time with family and loved ones. But, for many people, Christmas can be the worst time of the year. These are the lonely people who have no family or loved ones. And, with all the media focus and commercial advertising ramming the "togetherness" message home, the isolation of single people is magnified beyond what is comfortable. In fact, all of the yuletide cheer just makes lonely single people miserable.

However, there is an answer. And it comes in the form of online dating. By joining an online dating site at Christmas, you are taking a positive step towards finding someone to love for the holidays - and maybe further into the future.

Statistics show that the memberships of many dating sites increase significantly over Christmas. By joining a singles website at this time of year, you are effectively giving yourself the best Christmas present of all - the gift of hope for love and romance. And, because the memberships are at their peak, you will have a better chance of meeting that somebody special than, for example, in the middle of the year.

Another reason that your success rate will be potentially higher is because so many singles are on winter (or summer if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) vacation. If your Christmas happens in winter, then there are lots of romantic dating ideas for taking a girl or guy out on a real-world date. While you are getting to know each other online, you can find out which of the following Christmas activities are most appealing. Here are four fun dating ideas for winter:

Ice dancing. Even if you have two left feet, ice skating and ice dancing are incredibly romantic ways to get to know your partner on a date. You will have to get close and snuggle up to beat the cold. Also, you have an excuse to hold your date close to you to avoid falling and hurting yourselves. Dress up in a Christmas theme for more fun.

Singing Christmas carols. Somebody once said signing Christmas carols was a version of outdoor karaoke, but with lots of people singing badly at once. You and your online dating partner can do some practising over the Internet via webcam so that you will be the stand-out performers on the night.

Sleigh ride. Nothing is as romantic as a sleigh ride in winter through the park. If you can take your date on one of these fun rides, she will remember the occasion for ever.

Eggnog by the fire. Drag you new online dating partner away from the computer screen and onto a soft and deliciously inviting rug by the fire. The hypnotizing flames will cast a romantic spell over the two of you as you luxuriate in the warmth of the open fire.

If you send a potential online date an email suggesting one of these fun and romantic Christmas dating ideas, you will definitely get more responses than the other guys.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How To Attract Women While Avoiding The Dreaded Friends Zone

One of the worst things that can happen to a guy is to be put in the dreaded "friends zone". We've all heard of it before, and many guys have suffered it a time or two. What exactly is the friends zone though? Understanding what this term means and how to avoid being put in the zone will greatly help you learn how to attract women through proper use of seduction techniques.

The overall process for attraction includes a few steps. First you must create interest within the woman you are attracted to. Curiosity is what attraction is really all about. From there you should work on building trust and rapport. Together trust and rapport help to create an emotional connection between the two of you. Once an emotional connection has been made you can escalate attraction into the stages of seduction using sexually charged communication.

So what's the friend zone? The friends zone is a connection established between you and her which lacks the single element crucial for getting her attracted to you. The connection lacks the sexual escalation created from seduction. If you fail to establish a sexual element to your interaction with a woman, she may like you but the "attractiveness" won't be there. Thus you'll be filed away into the friend zone.

So how can you avoid this fate? It's simple: as you interact with her, keeping in mind that curiosity is all attraction really is, allow sexual innuendos into the conversation. This doesn't mean you should blatantly start talking about sex though. Bring it into the conversation casually or jokingly.

An example that works really well is to tease her about something related to sex. Tell her to quit trying to get you in bed, that you're not quite that easy. This role reversal is playful and will make her laugh, plus it adds the idea of sex into the mix.

Another effective trick you can use is to give her a nickname, one with some form of sexual innuendo attached. For instance, if you happen to be chatting to a sexy blonde and you're building a great connection give her the nickname "Dirty Blondie Girl". She will most likely ask why, or ask what it means. That is when you explain to her that you can sense she is thinking dirty thoughts about you, and she's blonde... so it suits! This is fun, will give you something to laugh about, and establishes an original relationship between the both of you that only you two understand. And it provides a touch of sexuality to the conversation.

Simple things such as bringing sex into her imagination will allow her to see you as a sexual person. This doesn't mean she will view you as a pervert, so don't become confused between the two. Rather, she will see you as more than just a friend and you will actually have a chance at moving your fresh relationship to places beyond just being friends. When you begin to move into seduction she will be much more open to the topic and idea of sexual relations with you, allowing you to avoid being put into the friends zone.

Dear God, Grant Me One Good Date: Reasons First Dates Go Wrong, and What To Do To Fix It

Bad dates are rampant, and the only people we have to blame are ourselves. We just don't think outside the box. For a lot of us, just steeling ourselves to make a move is is hard enough. It's no wonder we go for the low hanging fruit; the standard dates like dinner and a movie. We end up with a history of rotten dates, boring dates, horrific dates, and dates that were just okay. We blame it on incompatibility, or we blame the other person. Once in awhile we might blame ourselves, but that's no fun at all. We never stop to think that it could be the date itself that undermined us.

Incompatibility be damned, you should still be able to go out and enjoy yourself with someone who is not the love of your life. So why isn't this happening more often?

Problem #1: Too much talking, or rather, too much pressure to talk. If you're out to dinner with someone and you don't hit it off right away, you find yourself eyeing the door, bracing yourself for the long night ahead of you. For a first date, you never want to choose something where the sole activity is "talking to each other."

Pitfalls include: dinner, picnics, long walks, or scenic drives. Dinner is standard, picnics are cute, long walks are romantic, and they're all great for second, third, fourth, fifth dates. On the first date, they put too much pressure on both parties to be interesting, witty, and engaging. If you're naturally witty and engaging, congratulations and I don't know why you're reading this; you probably do fine on first dates. For a lot of other people, however, it takes practice, and can be extremely draining if the other person is feeling the strain too. Like I said, If you don't hit it off immediately, you've got a long and very mediocre night ahead of you, at best.

Problem #2: Not enough talking; dates where, at the end of the night, you're hardly any more familiar with each other than you were when you started.

Pitfalls include: movies, concerts, and most sporting events. Any date where your attention is entirely on something else may as well not be a date at all. They might seem like a step up from the No Thought Required dinner plans, but they're still fairly standard, and are all the more confusing because you might think you enjoyed the date, when it turns out you actually only enjoyed watching your favorite sports team play.

Beware of the double-threat, Dinner and a Movie date. First you sit in silence for two hours, afraid to laugh because your date might think you're a low-brow moron, and then it's like having to start the date all over again when you go to dinner afterwards. If first dates are difficult and awkward, why would you want to have what amounts to two first dates in one night, with the same person? You're just piling on the problems.

The most important thing to do when orchestrating an interesting and original date is to put yourself in the other person's shoes. The date you propose should be something you think the other person will enjoy. This is a trade off, because if they agree, you're still getting what you want, with is to spend time with them. You have to sweeten the deal by showing you thought about the other person's preferences.

For instance: ladies, you might love to spend the afternoon glazing personalized coffee mugs at the ceramics shop, but statistically speaking, a male date would be none too thrilled with this prospect. The pool hall or the bowling alley would probably be more enticing, and not just because he'll have a better view of your backside. Spacial prowess has been linked directly to testosterone, and most men enjoy the opportunity to exercise their skills. On the other hand, gentlemen, estrogen has been directly linked to visual acumen and fine motor skills, so while those detail oriented activities may not be your forte, women tend to enjoy them. Now knowing that a woman might love to glaze a coffee mug, why not take Plaster Funhouse off the list of things you've outgrown, and add it to your date repertory?

Both the pool hall and the ceramics shop offer absorbing activities that don't require all of your attention all the time, leaving you the opportunity to get to know each other casually. A shared activity gives you something to talk about when you can't quite recall that riveting and hilarious anecdote you have stashed somewhere in the back of your mind. When the pressure is off you to be the evenings entertainment, it's easier to relax and be yourself. Plus, you might get a coffee mug out of it, so it's win-win.

Here are a few different ideas for dates that combine a fun activity with opportunity for discourse.

1. Horse Racing. A lot of people have never been to a race track. Find one nearby, and make a day of it. You can generally bet as low as two dollars, and then you both have an invested interest in the outcome of the days activities.

2. Local Tourist Activities. There might be a hiking trail, or white water rafting, or parasailing nearby. Odds are you've never bothered to check these things out, but they can be great for dates, depending on the other person's preferences.

3. Wine Tasting. Just enough of a variation on the dinner theme to be interesting for dates who might refer something more sedate. There's no reason to try to impress each other with your knowledge; just enjoy the opportunity to enjoy some delicious wines and learn something. On the plus side, a bit of wine will loosen your tongue, which is great for conversation. Just don't overdo it.

4. Team Poker. Rustle up a couple friends, turn it into a double/triple date, and team up to try to clean the other couples out. A twenty dollar buy-in is cheap compared to fine dining, and like with the races, you both have an invested interest in the outcome. Not only that, but you have a reason to sit side by side and whisper conspiratorially. Not many dates offer that, actually, but with this date, it's required.

By making the date fun, not awkward, and mutually enjoyable, you increase your chances of connecting with that person.  Even if they're not the one, at least you still had fun.

Your turn: If someone proposed any of these dates, do you think you would be more inclined to take a chance and say yes?

If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Building Self Confidence - The Reasons Why You Must Have It

Building self confidence on the web is something that an online dater should do before he or she thinks of beginning in the dating scene. He/she does not really need to take a confidence training course to increase self esteem, nevertheless building self confidence should begin somewhere. The ideal confidence course I have ever found entailed a thorough evaluation of how a person views himself/herself. A wide array of questions comes after a preliminary "describe yourself as extensively as you can". Second thing to handle are the questions on how a person thinks of herself/himself in the eyes of other people. This particular confidence system will precisely show which aspects of your personality you should deal with. Typically, these are interaction ability and the courage to reach someone else.

Some of the confidence dilemmas in the online dating field:

1. Failure to command interest - "I'm not interesting enough"
2. Discontentment with own physical appeal - "What if they request for cam talk? What shall they say of my physical appearance?"
3. Conversation Problems - "They may laugh at my accent."

It is no wonder that lots of online daters are certainly very timid at the start; specifically those who've not yet started out building self confidence. The reason why people go towards internet dating sites is to get their feet wet in online dating without having the perception related to the physical and material (your fashion sense, the way you walk as well as what you do as a living). Web based discussion can be a great way to start off building self confidence. A great confidence lessons will also teach you several insecurity indicators you don't ever knew persisted. You might be very unconfident about your appearance, and this will be demonstrated in the outcomes.

The precision of any confidence program relies on exactly how truthfully you answered the series of questions. There are several people who are lying possibly even to themselves to avoid the unpleasant feeling of getting put under a microscope. Nonetheless, an optimistic strategy will go far in order to make someone more intellectually and psychologically ready to communicate with others. In cyber dating sites, one will come in contact with those who will not always be good and polite. When this happens, he / she will need to be comfortable enough with himself or herself to steer away from this kind of rude or obnoxious people and to not really feel the need to 'make a scene'. In confrontational circumstances (struggling with over the very same chat mate), those that can easily leave behind trouble are the ones who may have a higher sense of self. In fact, once you start arguing with somebody inside a group in which the ensuing dilemma may be observed by other individuals, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Dating online can easily showcase somebody's skills in a manner that offline dating can't. You may personalize your user profile on the internet and add only the items that make you noticeable. There's no necessity for jollies and uncomfortable times dedicated to asking "what actions can you engage in". Missing the pleasantries and fidgeting around under severe analysis can make even a really bashful individual tell you lot more regarding what is important to him or her at once. Start to think of it, a person could make use of the realizations she created about herself through her confidence course to create a beautiful user profile. This helps in building self confidence as well as dealing with interpersonal recognition.

How To Find A Relationship And Be Happy

Many single men and women are confused about how to find a relationship. There are many ways men and women can meet and establish romantic connections. Before looking for a significant other to share your life with, it is important to first be happy with yourself. Someone who is not satisfied with their current situation will not have much to offer in a romantic partnership.

Once you know you are ready to find the right person to share your life with, there are several ways to go about meeting potential love partners. With the onset of the Internet, there are many opportunities to meet people online. What was once taboo, has become a widely accepted way to meet singles looking to be in a committed partnership. There are many different kinds of matchmaking websites that have been very successful mechanisms in connecting singles.

There are dating websites that target specific groups of people. There are dating sites for people of a certain age, religion, sexual orientation and those interested in interracial partnerships. There is something for everyone when it comes to online dating. Most of the sites operate in a similar manner. Singles post recent photographs of themselves along with pertinent information about themselves.

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