Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting a Durable Girlfriend - How to Get Her and Keep Her

If you've found this article you're probably coming from a place in your life where you feel like your life would be "complete" if you just had a girl in it.

You've probably tried a few times with no real success, you maybe have someone 'special' in mind, or you probably have never even tried getting one.

Fear no more!

I've been there and I understand all the frustration that comes from not being able to succeed with girls and I'll share it with you.

Firstly you got to know what getting a girlfriend implies, it implies merging your life with someone else, this means her problems will now sort of become your problems, you will spend a lot more money going out now and you will have to dedicate time to this relationship.

I'm not meaning to be negative here, but rather put thin on perspective if you think that having a girlfriend is going to fix all your problems.

Sharing your life with someone who you really appreciate is great and the experiences shared are really worth it.

Having set that clear, let's get to it!

First: If you don't love yourself no one will. This one can sound kind of harsh but it's true, the first step to getting a durable girlfriend is to learn to love yourself. That's the first thing you got to learn, make it a purpose in your life to work on your self-esteem so that you get more and more of it every day. Get a clear set of boundaries for what you accept and don't accept in your life, find what you think is valuable and have a clear idea of it. You can check my site for more advice on this.

Second: Be involvement-worthy. If you lead an awesome life then you'll be proud to show it to everyone, if you just sit at home and play video games all day then that's not going to be something you're very proud of. So basically, make your life awesome, love it and then welcoming someone into it will be to enhance that experience and not to complete it, then and only then you'll be coming from a place of abundance in good experiences in your life.

Third: Start being who you want to be. In my case this meant to get a solid group of friends, I used to be a loner and I wanted friends, so I got them. It meant to stop having my mom buy me clothes and getting the clothes I wanted (sad, I know). It meant to stop playing video games all day and to start dedicating time to working out and being social. Make the changes that have to be made so that you get the life that you want to have. Workout, get the clothes you want and start the grooming.

Fourth: Start getting experience with girls. If you've never had a girlfriend then you're probably not very experienced with girls. Or maybe you have a lot of female friends (or a few) but you're stuck in the 'friends zone' with them. The friends zone happens because the way your relationship (friendship) developed set you both in a role where you're just friends and there's no attraction or 'sexual tension'. You can only get good at talking with girls by talking with girls. Work the numbers, start putting yourself in situations where you meet lots and lots of new girls, get in abundance with the amount of females that you can meet in your life.

Fifth: Learn the dynamics and start acting upon. Once you have abundance of options in your life and learned how to generate attraction with girls through your experiences you got to learn to lead things and start taking action! Make your move and start getting more and more confidence with it, learn from both rejection and success and keep being abundant.

Sooner than later you'll be finding lots of girls wanting to be your girlfriend and you can just choose! Get those principles down!

Get a deeper insight on this on my site How to get a girlfriend

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