Sunday, March 4, 2012

5 Signs That a Guy Is Starting to Really Like You

Obviously he likes you. He is going out on dates with you. Maybe you have been out a couple times or maybe you've been out more than a couple times. Either way you have started to really like him, but now you want to know if he likes you too! Here are some signs that he does.

5 Signs He Really Likes You

1. He Does Sweet Things For You

He may normally open the car door for you or let your order first, but now he is buying you your favorite coffee and bagel and bringing it by just because he can. Or he sends you a bunch of songs for your mp3 player that he thinks you will like.

Once he starts to go out of his way to do things that he think will make you happy, you know that he is really starting to like you!

2. He Introduces You To His Friends

If you have been going out with him and him alone, and all of a sudden he invites you to go out with him and his friends, then that's a huge sign that he's starting to really like you!

It means that he likes you enough to want to introduce you to his friends. He knows that his friends will like you, and he wants to show off the great girl he's found to them.

3. He Wants To Spend More Time With You

Gone are the days where you two go out, he drops you off, and then heads home or out with his buddies. Now he wants to be with you after the date as well!

If he suddenly wants to spend more time with you just for the sake of spending time with you then you know that he's really starting to like you.

4. He Calls You Just To Talk

This may seem silly, but in the beginning of a relationship guys normally call to arrange a date or to see how your date went, not just to talk. If he's started calling just to talk about your day without him and to share his day with you, then he's interested in your life and he wants to be a part of it, and this is a good sign that he's starting to really like you.

5. He Lights Up When He See's You

When you walk into the room he doesn't just smile, he lights up. He seems to be walking on air and he looks like a little kid who just got some ice cream. He does this because he's been thinking about you and he's looking forward to spending time with you. If you see this look on him, then he's really starting to like you.

So now you know whether or not he's really starting to like you. These 5 signs will be apparent almost always when he starts to like you more than just a little, so keep your eyes open and you WILL see them!

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