Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Attract a Girl by Becoming an Alpha Male - Try These 5 Tips!

You know the kind of guy I'm talking about: thinning hair, a little extra padding around the mid-section, and in desperate need of a new wardrobe. No fancy car or important job. Half the time, he's broke! But...he's the guy who always seems to have beautiful women eating out of his hand.

Meet the alpha male!

Alpha males are irresistible to women and the reason is simple: They display superior confidence. They are ALWAYS in complete control of their emotions. They are the kind of men that every man wants to be...and every woman wants to be with. Understandably, it's frustrating for the average guy to observe the alpha male. One question always arises:

What does he have that I don't have?

That's a good question. It's not so much what he has as it is how he attained it. YOU can attain it too. Try these 5 tips:

Be Confident - You will NEVER become an alpha male without this attribute. There is nothing sexier to a woman than a man with confidence. The way a man "carries himself" is of the utmost importance and YOU WILL GET NOTICED if you project an air of total confidence in everything you do. If you want to know how to attract a girl, have confidence and show it.

Use Body Language - They know how to use their body language to their advantage. They are never afraid of direct eye contact. They are never shifty-eyed, constantly running their gaze around the room. They don't slouch, fidget or cross their arms. They NEVER look or act nervous! The first step in becoming an alpha male is acting the part!

Be a Good Listener - A man does not have to be a smooth talker to be an alpha male but he must be a good listener. A woman is impressed by a man who is a good listener because it shows that he is genuinely interested in them and what they have to say.

Have Fun - They are fun to be with. They don't worry about the outcome of a date - they just enjoy the ride. They laugh and smile and are relaxed at all times. They DO NOT feel the need to seek the approval of any woman they are with.

Own Your Space - They live life at their leisure. They never feel the need to impress others. They know when to say NO when it is necessary...and they don't apologize for it when they do. They don't "jump" at every request - they move at their own pace.

By their very actions, the alpha male commands respect at all times. With confidence, powerful body language and total control of their emotions, the alpha male knows what he wants and how to get it. The alpha male knows how to attract a girl. Do you?

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