Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Turn a Friend Into a Girlfriend in 6 Steps!

It has been said that before you can be lovers you have to be friends! I think most of us would agree that there is a ring of truth to that statement. Certainly, being friends first helps make for a better relationship later on.

Is there a female friend in your life that is more than just a your eyes? Have you fallen for her? You're not alone. It's a common occurrence. Sadly, most guys will never see the relationship progress beyond the friendship level. The reasons for this are many but mostly it is a matter of simply not knowing how to turn a friend into a girlfriend.

So they love her from afar, watching her date other guys. Eventually, they watch her walk down the aisle with someone else - wishing it were them and never knowing what might have been.

Would you like to know how to turn a friend into a girlfriend? Follow these 6 steps:

===> 1) Create Sexual Tension - You want to make her think of you as a love interest - not a friend. At the moment she doesn't see you as a sexual being. Until she does you will never turn her into your girlfriend. So how do we change this?
Simple. You have to talk about sex. A word of clarification here: Don't be vulgar! Subtle sexual jokes and innocent sexual flirting will get the job done. Start slow - don't overdo it. Soon, she will start seeing you in an entirely different light.

===> 2) Date Other Girls - It is vitally important for her to see you with other women. Get out there and flirt. Let her see you confidently talking to other women, making eye contact, smiling, flirting and complimenting them. Believe me,
she will take notice. If you've already begun creating sexual tension with her (you should be), she may even experience a little taste of jealously. This is exactly what you want.

===> 3) Stop Being a Friend - Up to this point you've always been there for her. Whatever she wants or needs - if it's within your power, she's got it. You drop everything when she calls. If she called you at 3AM and asked you to come over and vacuum her living room you would be there in 10 minutes, vacuum cleaner in hand! Am I right?


Look, you are NEVER going to get past the friendship stage unless you stop being a friend! No more catering to her every whim! No more making yourself available every single time she calls. If you want to worship the ground she walks on, fine - just don't let her know it.

Friend, I'll tell you right now - if you can't get past this step, you may as well forget it because you will NEVER be able to make her anything more than just your friend! Will you do it - Yes or No? If you answered Yes, let's continue.

===> 4) Touch Her - That's right - touch her. Simple as that. OK, it's not as simple as that. If you've been implementing all the other steps, you should be ready to touch her. No, I'm not talking about shaking her hand and I'm certainly not talking about giving her a wet one right between the petals - not at this stage anyway. You need to touch her in a playful manner. While engaged in conversation, occasionally touch her arm while making a point. Lightly press the small of her back while escorting her through a doorway. While moving through a crowd, take her hand. Squeeze it gently. Remember, at this point you are still just her, start slow and don't overdo it.

===> 5) Give Her Space - You don't want her to think that you have no life. Hanging around her too frequently will give her just such an impression. Make sure she knows that you're a busy guy with a life. When she calls, texts or emails you, wait a couple of days before you get back to her. At some point you should plan to stay away from her for a week or more. This will give her the time to think of you and enough space to miss you. Then call her to see what she's been up to and talk about how busy you've been.

===> 6) Go For It - You've made it to step 6. You've flirted with her sexually. You've touched her suggestively. She has seen you acting confidently with other women. You've STOPPED being her doormat - dropping everything at her beck and call to please her. You've given her lots of time and space. By this time she should be seeing you in an entirely different light.

It's time to make a move. Get her alone. Gaze into her eyes. Then...kiss her. Don't say anything yet - wait for her. If you've done everything right, SHE will do one or more of these three things:

=> SHE will kiss YOU.

=> She will have tears in her eyes.

=> She will say, "I Love You!"

If she does none of these things, it may have been too soon. There is also the possibility that it was never meant to be. At this point, you will have to decide what you want to do: You can continue implementing the steps and try again at a later time - You can be satisfied to be her friend - You can walk away and out of her life to avoid being hurt further. Ultimately only you can make that decision. Good luck.

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