Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why Do Some Girls Prefer Older Men?

Why do some girls prefer men from an older generation?

Back to the 'old school'

There are many women that simply prefer a classier, sharper and more refined outlook on life. Mature men aren't so aloof and laid back with women. They treat women like ladies, with respect and courtesy. They behave far more gentlemanly than younger men. They appreciate women more, pay more attention and aren't shy of complimenting girls. Young guys need to COMPLIMENT. Don't forget to compliment! Some guys don't seem to place a high enough value on this. Some guys don't seem to realise how effective this is. How much women appreciate this. Does it surprise you when a young hot girl is seeing a man twice her age when younger guys can't bring themselves to pay a sincere compliment?

Older men are sexier

Physical attractiveness is clearly a subjective matter. While we can generalise and claim that there is something appealing about everyone, one thing is for certain - some girls prefer grey hairs and a few wrinkles very sexy!

Older men know what they want

Older men are more decisive and self assured. When it comes to deciding where to go on a date, they have a clear idea and take control. They know what type of women they want and women find that very alluring. Older men don't procrastinate. They don't waste time. They make quick decisions and go with it. This makes for a very attractive alternative to indecisive young guys who lack foresight and planning. Guys that don't show any real zest or can't be bothered lose out to older guys.


Having lived a little works in the older guys favour. Maturity, personal growth, balance and knowledge are all qualities girls admire. A man's life experience tends to go hand in hand with his confidence and sense of personal assurance.

How can an older man increase his chances with a younger girl?

If an older man is seeing a younger girl then it would be advisable to try and ensure you didn't "over settle" into your slippers, gown and cup of tea every evening. Staying fit, active, up-to-date and sociable will certainly work in your favour.

The worst thing an older man can do

We'll be perfectly frank. If you're an older man trying to act like a twenty one year old it is desperately embarrassing. Please stop. Everyone knows you're not twenty one. If young hot girls want a twenty one year old they can have one and it's not you. They could just as easily go out with your son! Women like men to be honest with who they are and the last thing they want to see is a middle aged man running around nightclubs drunk and pretending to be half his age. Or dresses like a gangster rapper, rock legend or even worse supplements his everyday vocabulary with modern day slang. As one of our friends puts it, "you can smell the desperation from a mile away".

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