Friday, January 20, 2012

What to Say to Girls: Conversation Tips and their Importance

The problem on what to say to girls plagues the minds of many men when they are faced with the seemingly grueling task of creating some sort of connection with a girl that they like. Sometimes, looks and charm are not enough to make her like you; you also need to impress her with your good choice and use of words. One very important tip is to avoid bringing into the conversation those topics or words that women find irrelevant or boring - unless you have some trick up your sleeve to make it more interesting. Knowing the right things to say to a girl is key.

Whenever possible or when you deem it appropriate, try to be open and direct. Women will actually appreciate if you are bold and say immediately what you want to say. The line "I have been watching you standing and I just had to come over and tell you that you have the most stunning legs I have seen all day. I'm Tom." will most probably a better hit than a mere "Hey, how's your day going? I'm Tom." You might be concerned of such boldness but there is a very big probability that girls will like that. It spares them the effort of having to figure on their own what you are actually after.

It is one very common trait for men to jump from one topic to another when they are conversing with women. It might be brought about by nervousness but it should be avoided. Take an effort to actually delve deeper into a topic and then create a smooth transition from it to another topic. Start off your conversation with the standard questions like "How's your night going?" or "How's your coffee?" and then follow it up with general questions about her such as "Do you live somewhere around here?" or "How did you end up here?".

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