Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How To Make A Guy Like You - Surefire Tips To Get Any Guy Interested In You

Would you like to know how to make a guy like you? Are you crushing on some guy? Do you want to go out with that guy? If yes, you've come to the right place. You're about to learn some psychological secrets that will help you make any guy like you almost instantaneously.

Making a guy like you is very easy. Men are easy to figure out. You can easily make them do what you want them to do once you know what makes them tick. Guys don't control who they are attracted to. They just feel attracted to someone. If you know how to make him feel attraction for you, you'll be able to get him to ask you out almost effortlessly.

Here are the surefire tips to make a guy like you...

Make him approach you - I have to warn you with this one thing. Many women in their desperation to attract a guy end up approaching the guy. It may seem fine. But it's not the best thing to do. Let the man approach you first. If you ask him out, he'll choose to reject you. That's how men are. So if you want to get a guy to like you, create opportunities for him to approach you.

Go near him and smile. Show him that you're interested but don't reveal too much. Don't let him get to your head either. Many young women tend to let the guy they're attracted to get in their head. When it happens, you tend to become nervous and screw up as a result. Just focus on other things in life. The guy's just a compliment to your wonderful life. He isn't the MAIN centre of focus in your life.

Make him work for you - The one who tries the least always controls a relationship. Never give away your power to him. When a guy approaches you, he gives you his power. Women play around with the guy for a while and then end up submitting to him. You should never do that. The only way to remain in control of the relationship is by making him invest loads of time in order to please you.

Make him call you often. Don't always answer his phone calls. When he asks you out on a subsequent date, tell him that you need to be with your friends. Don't let things get physical too soon. The sooner things get physical, the quicker you'll lose control of the relationship. So always make sure that you're the one in control.

Be unpredictable - Being unpredictable creates attraction in any man. Never stick to one thing. Always change things up every now and then. Change your appearance regularly and change the way you talk to him. When you're easy to predict, people will try to control you. You need to be unpredictable if you want to have control over the way they react to you and perceive you.

If you want a guy to be attracted to you and make him react to what you do, you must be unreactive to what he says and does. The next thing is to study him completely and do the opposite of what he expects you do. It isn't easy to do. But once you get the hang of it, you'll have control over all the men you date.

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