Saturday, November 26, 2011

Things To Talk About With A Girl On The Phone

Figuring out the right things to talk about with a girl on the phone becomes less of a challenge if you know the subjects that typically are of interest to women. Making these topics the theme of your phone conversation is not totally necessary, but it's a good idea if you find yourself struggling for things to talk about on the phone with girls. They'll serve as good conversation starters, and keep the conversation flowing.

And, certain topics can he helpful to use as "fillers" when those awkward silences might otherwise arise. Get to know some of the most common things that women take pleasure in talking about, and use them as cues to pick out things to talk about on the phone.

Many (if not all) girls have a soft spot for animals, especially those that are cute and cuddly. It's then not much of a stretch to assume that animals would be one of the nice things to talk about with a girl on the phone. Asking questions about her pet dog or cat could get her to talk endlessly about it. It's even better if you have a pet of your own, so that you can share your experiences with your pets. You might even share and exchange tips in caring for your pets. This will be a good way to build some sort of connection between the two of you.

It's also no secret that women have a great affinity for flowers and chocolates. Because of this, you can make the subject of flowers one of the good things to talk about with a girl. Do an Internet search for some of the most popular flowers, and know what they signify and how they ought to be cared for. If you execute this well enough, the girl that you are talking to may trust you enough to ask for recommendations on the right flowers that she should give for a friend who just celebrated her birthday.

In addition, gossip is something that we can consider a staple of "girl talk. " Women, in general, are intrigued by gossip relating to celebrity (especially if it involves relationship scandals). You might not feel this is a particularly interesting subject to talk about with a girl, but trust me, it works. There might be times when the "gossip of the day" isn't really of interest to you, but try to sound interested and share your views about it. Just don't express too much interest in sharing gossip, because this can make it seem as if you are a nosy, non-discreet person.

Girls also typically have a handful of television shows that they watch religiously -- weekly, or even daily. The world of dramatic series and reality shows has a massive number of female followers. These shows might not be your cup of tea, but at least try to get the lowdown on the latest story lines of the hottest shows on TV, and learn who the main characters are. This create endless things to talk about on the phone with girls, as they naturally enjoy talking about their favorite shows and characters.

These are a few topics that you can use to spark interesting conversations with women, particularly if it's a phone chat that might otherwise be awkward and difficult to move forward. At some point, they might come in handy when you find yourself racking your brain for a topic to chat about. When the phone call begins, after you exchange the opening pleasantries ("How are you?" "How was your day?" etc. ), it's up to you to introduce a topic of conversation that will interest her.

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